Artificial Intelligence 2025

Mani Bhandari speaker at 2 <sup>nd</sup> International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Mani Bhandari

AI Empower Consultants, Canada


Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing digital marketing, driving unprecedented efficiency and precision. As the founder of AI Empower Consultants, I will elucidate AI's transformative impact on enhancing customer engagement, content creation, and campaign optimization. By leveraging AI's predictive analytics, natural language processing (NLP), and computer vision, businesses can create personalized, relevant, and engaging content that resonates with audiences and enhances user interaction. I will present real-world case studies showcasing successful AI integration in digital marketing, highlighting significant improvements in ROI and customer retention. The session will cover practical steps for implementing AI tools, emphasizing the importance of data quality and ethical considerations. Attendees will gain insights into AI-driven automation and intelligent data analysis, empowering them to make data-driven decisions with greater accuracy and speed.


Mani Bhandari holds a Master of Business Administration from JIMS Jagan Institute of Management Studies, India, and certification in Generative AI from IBM. She is Board of Directors with Panorama India & BMG group Canada. As the founder of AI Empower Consultants, Mani integrates advanced AI technologies into business strategies, enhancing clients' marketing effectiveness. An AI professional, Mani has achieved significant milestones in workshop development, introducing project-based learning to engage students in solving real-world problems, thereby enhancing their creative and practical skills. Mani’s expertise drives innovation and efficiency.