Finance, Business and Stock Market

Simon L Dolan speaker at International Conference on Finance, Business and Stalk Market
Simon L Dolan

Advantere School of Management, Spain

Title : Stock Market


The stock market is an important part of the economy of a country. It is the primary marketplace where corporations can raise funds. A stock market consists of primary and secondary stock markets. In the primary stock market, companies sell shares to the public to raise funds. The main stock market instruments are common stock and preferred shares. New stock issues are divided into public offerings (IPOs) and seasoned offerings (SEO). An IPO involves a firm selling its common stock to the public for the first time. SEOs are new shares offered by firms that already have stocks outstanding. The process of underwriting involves formulating the method used to issue securities, PRICE and SELL new securities. The secondary stock market is where investors trade can further be divided into auction and dealer markets. The market participants in the stock market are retail investors, mutual funds and other institutional investors, banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds.


Simon L. Dolan completed his PhD at the age of 27 years from The University of Minnesota. His thesis and early theories were based on initial research done at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. He is the Senior Research Professor and director of innovations at Advantere School of Management. He has published more than 150 papers in reputed journals, over 80 books in multiple languages and has been serving as an on the editorial board member of reputed journal