University of Southern California, USA
My presentation title is “New individualized management for gut barrier
dysfunction & using food to prevent & treat skin conditions”. It is
part of my article that published on March 7, 2023. The title of the article
is: “Food, gut barrier dysfunction, and related
diseases: A new target for future individualized disease prevention and
management”. Dysfunction of gut
barrier is known as “leaky gut” or increased intestinal permeability and it
will cause diseases in multiple areas in the body. Food and dietary supplements
that may promote gut health, and food or medication that may alter gut
function. The research articles from PubMed demonstrated that food plays a
crucial role to cause or remedy gut dysfunction related to diseases. My experience showed wonderful results also.
Linda Liang is a Doctor of Occupational Therapy, and an Associate Professor at the University of Southern California in the United States. She is a mentor of Doctors and Post-Doctors.
Linda was an ophthalmologist in Zhejiang University, School of Medicine in China and blends her prior knowledge and experience of occupational therapy for comprehensive evaluation and effective treatment of her patients.
She developed the Low Vision Program including Homonymous Hemianopia, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Program, Hand Tremor and Hand Contracture Management Program, and Genital Edema/Lymphedema Management Program at the Keck Medical Center of USC. She published some articles. She invented many novel treatment programs for difficulty medical conditions. She is writing book about them.