Neonatal and Paediatric Dermatology

Neonatal and Paediatric Dermatology

The initial four weeks of life are termed the neonatal period, marked by adaptive processes that can give rise to various skin anomalies. These encompass transient lesions from physiological responses, passing ailments, and indicators of severe pathologies. Many traits, like lanugo, skin erythema, and vernix caseosa, typify new born skin. As our grasp of neonatal skin's anatomical and physiological aspects evolves, so does our insight into these characteristics.

Paediatric dermatologists cater to infants through adolescence, employing contemporary treatments for an array of childhood skin issues. Even conditions like psoriasis manifest differently in children. These specialists adeptly assess and treat young patients, cultivating a comfortable environment in child-friendly clinics furnished with suitable medical apparatus.

This session aims to enhance neonatal and paediatric practitioners' comprehension of diagnosing and managing neonatal skin conditions, facilitating more effective care.

  • Erythema Infectious
  • Rubella
  • Atopic Eczema
  • Infantile Dermatitis

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