Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2025

Simon L Dolan speaker at 4th International Conference on Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2025
Simon L Dolan

Advantere School of Management, Spain


The field of entrepreneurship has gained significant attention in recent years, as individuals and organizations seek innovative solutions to address pressing social, environmental, health and leadership challenges all characterized by a fast-changing VUCA type world.  In this keynote address I will explore the concept of social research entrepreneurship, a unique type of profile that combines the skills of a researcher with the mindset of an entrepreneur.  I will draw examples from my own experience as having double hat: a researcher and an entrepreneur.  The presentation will highlight the importance of research-driven innovation in creating sustainable and impactful solutions. For years we have argued that to become an effective entrepreneur in launching new and innovative products or services, we need to anchor three essential elements: a sound model/concept, a clear methodology and tools.  


Simon L. Dolan completed his PhD at the age of 27 years from The University of Minnesota. His thesis and early theories were based on initial research done at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. He is the Senior Research Professor and director of innovations at Advantere School of Management. He has published more than 150 papers in reputed journals, over 80 books in multiple languages and has been serving as an on the editorial board member of reputed journal