Academic Medical Unit, Romania
People’s collaborative work supposes verbal and nonverbal communication. Words are the essential channel of transmission of data of interest. Spoken or written words tell us about one’s mental activity, including intent and how one does it. Collaboration in person offers more data, which can help to better understand a person’s knowledge, health, and morality. Based on these data and skills in interactions with others, their collaboration can extend or end, depending on the person’s enjoyment of such actions. Conversations can disappoint or delight, and repetitive, pleasant discussions positively impact personal health. Provoked and inflamed talks can be harmful, especially for heart functioning in vulnerable, old individuals. A conversation’s dual effect must be considered, especially when interacting with unknown individuals. Spoken words provide insights into a person’s health; tone, pitch, volume, fluency, and construction of a phrase – all inform us about the functionality of the respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. They also reflect the speaker’s emotional involvement, personal knowledge across various areas, expertise in specific domains, and communication skills. Personality traits are conveyed through voice, making speech unique for each individual. However, it is also subject to change over time as the phonation and resonator systems evolve, along with their nervous control. At the end of this presentation, the audience will be able to Recognise the value of conversations for their business advancement
- Understand how conversations can inform us about an individual’s moral, scientific, and humanistic profile
- Use voice analytics to assess a person’s health and well-being.
Sofica Bistriceanu studied in Romania at the ‘Gr. T. Popa’ Iasi University, and graduated as MD in 1984, research in family medicine, Maastricht University, 2000, Ph.D. in 2009, Iasi, at the same institution. She joined the European, American, Asian Primary Care Research Group, American Academy on Communication in Healthcare, APTR, IHI, NICHQ, EPCCS, EURACT, WONCA Meetings. Dr Sofica Bistriceanu is the author of more than 80 research studies shared abroad and received awards for some of them. She is a member of Academy for Professionalism in Health Care, a member of The Journal of Patient Experience (JPX) Editorial Review Board, and an Associate Editor of PriMera Scientific Publication. Dr. Sofica Bistriceanu is the representative of the Academic Medical Unit located in NT, ROU. She is the author of seven volumes of poems published by Chronica Iasi Publishing House, and Time, Iasi Publishing House.