Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Primary teeth play a key role in the nutrition and speech of the children as well as space maintenance in the permanent teeth. If dental caries and trauma lead to tooth loss, space maintainers should be used to preserve the space of the primary teeth. Space maintainers vary depending on the child’s growth and development and the number and type of the lost teeth. In this study, the Google Scholar, Science Direct, PubMed, and Scopus databases were searched using the terms ‘space management’, ‘space maintainer’, space loss, and ‘premature tooth loss’ to completely review the space maintainers used in pediatric dentistry. There are numerous space maintainers for clinicians to choose from based on the developmental and dental conditions of the child, their preference, and patient’s ease. Keywords: Space management, space maintainer, space loss, premature tooth loss
Mandana Batebi , dentist , General practitioner. Graduated in Tehran university of medical sciences ,TUMS, in 2000. She Published article in journal of dentistry, Tehran University of Medical sciences in 2001 .She had oral presentation in annual Iranian dentistry Congeres in 2002, Tehran , Iran . Graduated in Implantology course in Tehran university of medical sciences, TUMS , in 2011. Graduated in Health MBA in Shahid Beheshti university in Tehran in 2021 and also had private dentistry clinic about 20 years and worked in both private and General dentistry clinic.
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