Glan Clwyd Hospital, UK
Grey Turner’s sign refers to bruising of the flanks. It appears as a blue discolouration and is a sign of retroperitoneal haemorrhage. Most commonly seen in acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. It is rarely seen in other causes where there is retroperitoneal haemorrhage.
Objectives: Haemoperitoneum post hysterectomy is a known complication which rarely present as bruises over the flanks.
Methods: Case of 40 year old women is described here, who underwent hysterectomy for fibroid uterus and later had abdominal distension. Patient presented to us with discolouration over the flanks and was haemodynamically unstable. Patient was resuscitated and re-explored.
Conclusion: Bruising over flanks (Grey Turner’s sign) is a rare presentation of haemoperitoneum post hysterectomy . This case aims to remind clinicians of the atypical presentation of haemoperitoneum following hysterectomy.
Sukhvinder completed MBBS in 2013 and started training in Obs -Gynae at National Medical College , Kolkata in 2015 to 2018 after that worked at Panskura super-speciality Hospital as Senior resident 2018 to 2021 and after this did MRCOG and moved to UK in 2022 and started working in NHS Feb 2023. Currently Working as Obs-Gynae Speciality Doctor at Glan Clwyd Hospital, Bodelwyddan Debingshire Wales.
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