Gynecology 2025

Eswari Beeram speaker at 3rd International Conference on Gynecology and Obstetrics
Eswari Beeram

Mohan Babu University, India


Metosartan is a antihypertensive drug and normally used to treat the Hypertension in humans. Recent advances on the drug has proved to show negative side effects on reproductive system and less success rates  in IVF especially in case of  patients associated with drug usage. C.sinensis reduces the ss breaks induced in the germ cells  and protects the topology of the chromatinin germ cells reducing the germ cell and germ tissue cancers in invitro condition. The study was done using the salmon DNA and the results are quite good. C.sinesis active components has shown to contain positive impact on reducing the obesity . Metosartan also reduces the weight of the reproductive organs leading to reduction in sperm count but in case of females the effect on the germ cells and reproductive organs are negligible.


Eswari beeram has completed her PhD at the age of 28 years from Sri Venkateswara University and  she is the Associate Professor of Department of Biological and Chemical sciences of Mohan Babu University. she has published more than 30 papers in reputed journals and 3 international books and received Republic of India in 2023. She has been serving as an editorial board member of more than 20 journals and she has peer reviewed about 65 papers of both national and International journals. She has publihed 3 Editorials from Acta scientifica of microbiology journal.