CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, India
Dr. Deepa Selvi Rani is from CCMB-CSIR, India. She is interested in understanding the Genetic basis of Cardiovascular Diseases, Male infertility, Mitochondrial disorders, and the Origin of Modern Humans. She has two master's degrees, M.Sc. in Biochemistry and M.Sc. in Biotechnology. Her Ph.D. work was on "Molecular Studies in Cardiomyopathies and Noonan Syndrome." She identified several mutations in sarcomere protein genes causing cardiomyopathies and sudden cardiac arrest. To understand the disease specifically, she studied their molecular mechanisms, which are relevant to pharmacogenomic studies and personalized medicine. Dr. Rani is an enthusiastic, dedicated, outstanding researcher and published 50 papers in peer-reviewed International Journals.
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