Infectious Diseases 2025

Kadir Uludag speaker at International Conference on Infectious Diseases
Kadir Uludag

Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, China


Background:Sustainable romantic relationships require a healthy lifestyle for both partners. Inflammation is a critical health factor that can affect couples' well-being.Objective:The objective of this study was to investigate the complex relationship between inflammation status and romantic relationships.Methods:This study is a comprehensive review. We conducted a thorough search using keywords related to inflammation theory and romantic relationships.Results:Our findings suggest that inflammation status may impact psychological processes and, in turn, is related to the quality of romantic relationships. Inflammation can affect emotional regulation, communication, and conflict resolution, which are essential components of a healthy relationship. Conclusion:The inflammation theory can play a substantial role in understanding the dynamics of romantic relationships. The study highlights the importance of considering the impact of inflammation on both partners' psychological and physical well-being to improve the quality of their relationships.


Kadir Uludag holds Ph.D. in Applied psychology (Chinese Academy of Sciences). He is currently doing postdoc in Shanghai Jiaotong University Mental Health Center. His research interest includes schizophrenia research, drug addiction and educational psychology. In addition, he runs a website to share and comment on peer-reviewed articles (