Materials Science 2025

Nasimuddin speaker at 2nd Global Event on Materials Science and Engineering

Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore


Dr. Nasimuddin (M’2003-SM’2009) received his B.Sc. in 1994 from JMI, India, and his M.Tech. and Ph.D. in 1998 and 2004, respectively, from DU, India. Dr. Nasimuddin has worked as a Senior Research Fellow (1999-2003) at DU, India. He has worked as an APD Research Fellow (2004-2006) at Macquarie University, Australia. Currently, he is working as a principal scientist at the Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore. He has published 235 journal/conference papers and 3 granted patents on microstrip-based microwave antennas/components. He has edited two books, contributed a chapter, and ranked in the top 2% of World Scientists in 2023.