Materials Science 2025

Valeriy Pogorelov speaker at 2nd Global Event on Materials Science and Engineering
Valeriy Pogorelov

Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine


Prof. Pogorelov Valeriy studied Physic (Molecular Spectroscopy) at the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine and graduated as PhD in 1966. He obtained the position Full Professor at same University in 1986. His scientific interests are Raman Spectroscopy, vibrational and orientational molecular relaxation, structure and spectroscopy partially ordered liquids, peculiarities of cluster structure of water and 10 first alcohols. He has published 6 books (last book is “Cluster structure of water”, V.Pogorelov, I.Doroshenko, A.Vasiiieva, “Lambert”, 146 p, 2022) and more than 200 research articles in SCI(E) journals.