Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil
This keynote talk will explore the use of the Hill model to assess the Benchmark dose (BMD), the lethal dose 50 (LD50), the cooperativity (E) and the dissociation constant (K) while analyzing cell viability data using nanomaterials. The presentation is addressed to discuss the antitumor potential while combining radiofrequency (RF) therapy in and selected nanomaterials. In particular, it will be discussed the use of nanocomposites, for instance comprising graphene oxide (GO) surface functionalized with polyethyleneimine (PEI) and decorated with gold nanoparticles (GO-PEI-Au). Data collected from the cell viability assays using different tumor cell lines (e.g. LLC-WRC-256 and B16-F10) will be presented and discussed. The findings will demonstrate that while the tested nanocomposite (e.g. GO-PEI-Au) may be biocompatible against different cancer cell lines in the absence of radiofrequency (nRF), the application of radiofrequency (RF) enhances the cell toxicity by orders of magnitude, pointing to prospective studies with the tested cell lines using tumor animal models.
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