Nano 2024

Keren Delmar speaker at World Congress on Nanotechnology
Keren Delmar

Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Israel


Keren Delmar has completed her B.Sc. in Biochemical engineering cum laude from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology and then proceeded to complete her M.Sc. in NanoScience & Nanotechnology Summa cum laude from the Technion focusing on controlled release of hydrophobic drugs from nanocarriers embedded in hydrogels and published two articles regarding this subject.  After graduating she worked as a project manager in the R&D department at Dexcel Pharma and developed drug products for the US market. Today she is completing her PhD in the chemical engineering dept. and teaching undergraduate students of this department polymer courses.

Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Title: Pickering emulsions stabilized by shellac-based nanoparticles