Univesity Hospital of Ibn Jazzar, Tunisia
Introduction :
Autoimmune encephalitis with anti N –methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
receptor antibodies is a recently described and currently misdiagnosed
type of encephalitis. Many patients are first seen by psychiatrists
because of the frequent onset of the disease with psychiatric
Observation :
we report the case of a 22 –year-old patient admitted to our
department for behavioral disorders evolving since 2 months.She has
a beta thalassemia major treated with iterative transfusions and total
splenectomy at the age of 8 and a history of recurrent septic arthritis
.Since 2 months, she had behavioral changes such as agitation,
anosognosia, hypomania alternating with periods of catatonia and
massive anxiety requiring the prescription of psychotropic medication.
Clinically, psychiatric assessment revealedauditory and visual
hallucination and irritability. Physical examination showed no
abnormalities except for hyperreflexia in four limbs. The diagnosis of
limbic encephalitis was made 2 weeks later after excluding infectious,
metabolic and toxic causes, the presence of moderate
hyperproteinorachia in the cerebro spinal fluid (CSF), normal brain MRI
imaging and anti-NMDA antibodies detection in the serum. Thoraco-
abdominal pelvic CT scan and tumor markers were unremarkable
consistently, gamma –immunoglobulin therapy dramatically improved
symptoms, which further confirmed the diagnosis.
Conclusion :
Isolated psychiatric symptoms or associated with cognitive disorders
and, epilepsy with normal brain imaging should discuss lumbar
puncture and antibody testing for autoimmune encephalitis diagnosis.
Dr. Mouna Naguazi is a dedicated healthcare professional currently affiliated with the University Hospital of Ibn Jazzar in Kairouan, Tunisia. She brings a wealth of expertise to her field, contributing to the advancement of medical care in Tunisia. Dr. Naguazi is passionate about her work and strives to make a positive impact on the lives of her patients.