ICDB 2024

Sophia Ali speaker at International Conference on Dementia and Brain Disorders
Sophia Ali

Expressive Selfcare, India


Sophia Ali is a practising psychotherapist from India with a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology and specialized training in Movement-Based Expressive Arts Therapy from the Tamalpa Institute in California, USA. She is India's first Tamalpa Practitioner and is registered as a Registered Somatic Movement Therapist (RSMT) and Registered Somatic Movement Educator (RSME) with the International Somatic Movement Education & Therapy Association (ISMETA). Since 2016, she has been dedicated to her practice and currently serves as a consultant psychotherapist at the International Pain Centre. There, she conducts individual therapy for a diverse range of clients, focusing on providing tailored therapeutic support to help individuals navigate their challenges and improve their overall well-being