AANS, Iraq
Hussein Imran Mousa, professor functional neurosurgeon, Iraq director for Middle East stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, is affiliated as chief neurosurgeons in the Almosawi hospital, Neurosurgical center at Alsdr Teaching hospital, Basra Iraq. Membership for many international associations, AANS, NASS, AOspine, ESSFN, ESO, WSO, ISCS, IFNR, AAP,WIP and others.
Expertise in neuromodulation and functional neurosurgery, Deep brain stimulation and brain lesioning for Parkinson, movement and psychological disorders, Gamma knife for brain tumours and functional neurosurgery, spinal cord stimulation and pain managements, Regarding spasticity, Baclofen pumps, phenol and Botox injections for spasticity
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