Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
The congenital edentulous patient presents many challenges. Starting from the initial
diagnostic stage at the young age, followed by the need for a multi-staged
long-term treatment planning towards the permanent restoration. This presentation will focus on one category, Oligodontia,
showing the prosthetic challenge. The
personalized treatment flow of these patients, their diagnosis, prognosis and
treatment; with an emphasis on the basic prosthetic principles will be
discussed. Parallel to the prosthetic
part, the treatment flow involves multidisciplinary surgical and orthodontist complex
treatment, including various steps of provisional restorations, surgical and
orthodontic pre-rehabilitation preparation up to the point of the permanent
restoration delivery.
Dr. Esi Sharon completed her postgraduate program in prosthodontics at the Hebrew University Hadassah School of Dental Medicine in Jerusalem in 2004 and earned her certificate in Maxillofacial rehabilitation in 2017. She earned her DMD degree in 2000 and graduated top of her class in prosthodontics. Dr. Sharon holds various leadership positions. She is the Chair of the Scientific Committee of the Israeli Society of Oral Rehabilitation and the Director of the Dental Israeli National Forensic Unit.
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