Dental 2025

Aniko Ball speaker at International Conference on Orthodontics and Dental Medicine
Aniko Ball

Optimum Dental Posture, Australia


Worldwide research shows an alarming incidence of occupational chronic pain in the dental profession, resulting in early retirement or reduced work hours for many, and a career change for some.Ergonomic research and design have focused on dentists’ work environment, the Outer Ergonomics, overlooking the importance of their efficiency in posture and movement, the Inner Ergonomics.How a dentist sits on a stool and bends over the dental chair is as important as the stool and chair design. The way instruments are held is as important as the shape and the weight of the instrument.Dental school don’t teach that spinal joints below C2 are not designed for prolonged bending, or the muscles of the shoulder and arm are movement muscles, which are not designed for prolonged contraction. Dentists need to know how to bend over patients and what to do with their shoulders and arms to ensure career longevity.  Reducing the risk of occupational chronic pain in dentistry begins with the understanding of cumulative trauma, the recognition of harmful, habitual work postures and learning about biomechanical design This talk will orient dentists towards career longevity and improved life quality.


Dr Anikó Ball completed her Bachelor of Dental Science at Melbourne University in 1976. After suffering occupational chronic pain for decades, Anikó trained to recognize and change harmful work postures. She founded Optimum Dental Posture in 2015 to reduce suffering in the profession. Trained in mind-body calming techniques and Inner Ergonomics, Anikó conducts ‘Ergonomics & Wellness in Dentistry’ workshops and courses, ‘In-house Ergonomic Training’ as well as ‘Stress Management in the Clinic’ for the whole dental team around Australia and New Zealand. Anikó has been a presenter at multiple Congress/Conference events and CPD courses