WCPD 2024

Alexander Valyaev speaker at World Congress on Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug Development
Alexander Valyaev

Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia


    Using of nanotechnologies requires detailed analysis of existing obstacles to technology translation. Here we consider some bio nanotechnologies  for the treatment of human bones, including its musculoskeletal system, experiencing the maximum load during the functioning of any living organism.LitAr implantable material creation and its using in some medical clinics and  centers of  Russian Samara city showed successful bone resorption and reduce scarring from surgical procedures. In  our communication we discuss some details of using LitAr technology for these purposes.    Our results may used in cases of  critical  situations in  thematic medical centers and especially under emergency surgery.It would be logical to combine such technologies in those operating medical centers, hospitals and clinics, that have already successfully applied them. It is especially difficult to organize for the Russian provincial doctors and the thematic scientists. This is the essence of the implementation problem with creating financial support. But we hope that the scientific community efforts will help to change the attitude to innovations for the better in the interests of the whole humankind.


Alexander Valyaev, Leading Researcher, professor,   doctor of Sciences

Division of Ecological Safety and Radiation Risk, Nuclear Safety Institute  of Russian Academy of Sciences,  


Born on May 15, 1949 in Leninogorsk city, Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1972 he graduated with honours from the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. In 1978 I successfully defended Ph.D. thesis in Russian Sverdlovsk city and  In 1998 doctoral dissertation in Alma -Ata city of   Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1994, I worked as the technical expert in  USA and Canada  according to  international government contract.  I  participated with the thematic reports at many international thematic conferences and symposiums. From 2001-2011 I participated in 12 domestic and foreign events of  NATO Program Scientific Committee.  From 2017 to the present, I have been successfully collaborating with professors from Moscow and Russian Samara city on nanomedicine on  development and  application of prostheses for human organs.