WCPD 2024

Kulzhan Berikkhanova speaker at World Congress on Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Drug Development
Kulzhan Berikkhanova

Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan


Berikkhanova Kulzhan is MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Leading Researcher at the National Laboratory Astana of Nazarbayev University. She has more than 24 years’ experience of a highly qualified surgeon, including clinical experience in the treatment of purulent wounds, as a researcher - 18 years. Her research interests are focused on targeted drug delivery, cellular technology, regenerative medicine, acceleration of healing of purulent wounds. She has 70 scientific publications, including articles in international scientific journals, 1 textbook, 1 monograph, 6 patents. She introduced into clinical practice an innovative method for treatment of purulent wounds, peritonitis using targeted delivery of antibiotics in pharmacocytes. 

Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Title: The autologous red blood cells as drug carriers