University of Leeds, UK
disorders are leading causes of disability and mortality. NHS
neurorehabilitation delivery is limited by finite numbers of occupational
therapists (OTs), physiotherapists (PTs) and speech and language therapists
Immersive technologies such as Mixed Reality (MR) could complement delivery and gain efficiencies with the available in-person resource – however, limited evidence exists for its utility in healthcare. Prior to efficacy studies, a feasibility study would inform implementation.
To investigate the feasibility and barriers of implementing MR, specifically Microsoft HoloLens-2 (HL-2), in neurorehabilitation, by analysing the perceptions of PTs, OTs and SLTs.
Mixed-methods, prospective cohort study utilising maximum variation purposive sampling. Neuro-therapists at a tertiary NHS Hospital Trust (Leeds) trialled HL-2 and completed a questionnaire and semi-structured interview. Quantitative and coded thematic analyses were conducted.
The sample (n=22) was predominantly female (n=20), ≤40 years old (n=17) and highly qualified.
81.8% of therapists perceived HL-2 useful; 77.3% would adopt it into their practice – PTs most likely, OTs least.
68.2% found HL-2 easy to use, but only 18.2% thought their patients would. Aspects of HL-2’s hardware and software were considered strengths. However, there were concerns regarding patients with severe cognitive/visuospatial/depth perception impairments.
Motion sickness and disorientation (typically experienced in virtual reality) were reported by 0% and 13.6% (median severity=3/10, IQR=4) respectively. 22.7% reported impaired vision (median severity=5/10, IQR=3.5). No other adverse effects were reported.
Mohammad Ahsan is currently a Foundation Year Two doctor at University Hospital Lewisham London. Sophie Price and Mohammad Ahsan graduated from the University of Leeds, MBChB Medicine and Surgery MRes Medicine. Ryan K. Mathew FRCS (NeuroSurg) PhD PGDipClinEd (RCPSG) is an Associate Professor at the University of Leeds and Honorary Consultant Neurosurgeon at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. He has 55 publications in reputed journals and his research interests include basic and translational research into brain cancer, preclinical model development, medical devices, surgical technologies and immersive.