Tel Aviv University, Israel
Anat Achiron, MD, PhD, is a full Professor of Neurology at the Faculty of Medicine and Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel-Aviv University and the founder director of the Multiple Sclerosis Center at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel. Prof. Achiron leads a holistic multidisciplinary approach targeted at the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with multiple sclerosis and her clinical and research team is fully integrated into activities aimed to advance the science and quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis.
Prof. Achiron's research interests are within the fields of neuroimmunology, and rehabilitation. She has extensively studied multiple sclerosis to better understand disease-related mechanisms using gene expression technology and characterized cognitive performance especially in the very early stages of the disease as well as evaluated gait performance associated with disability. Prof Achiron was involved in research studies evaluating genetic markers associated with the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, relapse activity and prediction of immunomodulatory treatment response and currently is developing a new rehabilitation approach to assess spasticity and gait impairments in multiple sclerosis.
Prof. Achiron has published widely, with over 300 publications to her name; shehas received numerous grants and scientific awards for her research work in medicine and neurology.
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