RosBioTech National University, Russia
Over the course of its history, medicine and healthcare philosophy have given special attention to the already diseased individual, focusing on a type of clinically manifested disease (nosology) rather than on one’s health or the socalled pre-illness conditions, whilst the latter being left in the shade. No comments but the Resources of Canonical Medicine have been Missed -That is The Fact! And thus the clinical efficacy, chronification & diiability rates and the human longevity must be drastically improved soon.
A group of the recognized experts in the PPM-related area has presented an evidence-based and well-documented assessment of global trends in medicine and healthcare development to be valuable for the implementation and securing the efficacy of the new model in the daily clinical practice.
Sergey Suchkov was born in the City of Astrakhan, Russia, in a family of dynasty medical doctors. In 1980, graduated from Astrakhan State Medical University with MD. From 1980 through 1983 has been working as Res Associate, and from 1983 through 1985 as Senior Res Associate at the Inst of Medicical Enzymology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. In 1985, maintained his PhD at the Sechenov University. From 1986 through 1989, has been working as Senior Res Associate at the Koltzov Institute of Dev Biology, USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1989 through 1994, was a Director of the Division of Clinical Immunology, Helmholtz Eye Res Institute in Moscow.
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