PHC 2025

Ubaldo Comite speaker at 4th International Conference on Primary Health Care
Ubaldo Comite

University Giustino Fortunato, Italy


Prof. Ubaldo Comite was born in Cosenza, Italy, June 14 1971. He has a degree in Law (1994) and Economics (1996) at the University of Messina (Italy), and earned his Ph.D. in Public Administration at the University of Calabria, Rende (Cs) Italy, in 2005. Currently he is a professor of Budget and Business Organization at the Faculty of Economy, Department of Business Sciences, University of Calabria. Furthermore he is a professor of Business Administration and Health Management at the Faculty of Economy, University Giustino Fortunato (Benevento – Italy). His Research interests are: Private and Public Management, Non profit Organizations and Accounting, Helath Management

Key words areas specialization: management, public administration, accountancy, health management.