COPD 2025

Hamid Mcheick speaker at World Congress on COPD and Pulmonary Diseases
Hamid Mcheick

University of Quebec at Chiocoutimi, Canada


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Professor Hamid Mcheick is a full professor in Computer Science department at the University of Québec at Chicoutimi, Canada. He has more than 25 years of experience in both academic and industrial area. He has done his PhD in Software Engineering and Distributed System in the University of Montreal, Canada. He is working on : designing and adaptation of smart software applications; designing healthcare frameworks for medical domain; and designing smart Internet of Things and edge frameworks for smart city. He has supervised many post-doctorate, PhD, master and bachelor students. He has nine book chapters, more than 60 research papers in international journals and more than 150 research papers in international/national conference and workshop proceedings in his credit. Dr. Mcheick has given many keynote speeches and tutorials in his research area. Dr. Mcheick has gotten many grants from governments, industrials and academics. He is a chief in editor, chair, co-chair, reviewer, member in many organizations (such as IEEE, ACM, Springer, Elsevier, Inderscience) around the world.