Ex-MIPT, Russia
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Prof. Ospan A. Mynbaev received his PhD in 1992 and DSc in 1997 conferment by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia. He has conducted multiple research projects in Academic VI Kulakov Research ObGynCenter, Lomonosov Moscow State University, VUB (Brussel), KULeuven, and Ghent University. His multidisciplinary research has included translational medicine topics, including tubal microsurgery (PhD), postsurgical tumor metastasis (MSc), tubal microsurgery (PhD), postsurgical tumor metastasis (MSc), postsurgical adhesion formation (DSc), pathophysiology of CO2-pneumoperitoneum (KULeuven- PostDoc), cervical pathology and HPV, and many other issues. He has received several international awards and honors and published articles in many high-impact journals based on this research and fellowship training activities.
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